Tina's ITP Blog

ITP Blog

The Tittylator: Final Presentation


The Tittylator is a sensual object that promotes exploration, playfulness, and confidence in feminine  sensuality and sexuality. The goal is to encourage women to casually get in touch with their bodies and facilitate more open conversations about their sensual consciousness, with the aim of boosting confidence, intimacy, and love of self.

The Tittylator’s form is derived from its multi-functions, but also visually ratifies juxtaposition. The light, fluffy top is balanced out by the heavy, spiky dripping bottom. The textures of the two sides are drastically different, yet they compliment each other in tactility. The handle in the middle is soft and squishable, and acts as the bridge between the two opposing ends.


The Tittylator functions in three different ways, all activated by squeezing the soft handle.

  1. Emits aphrodisiac scents, like jasmine

  2. Fans feathers

  3. Vibrates the soft, spiky bottom

The materials that went into creating the Tittylator includes:

  1. Arduino microcontroller

  2. Pressure sensor

  3. Dust blower

  4. Custom 3D-printed magnetic actuator

  5. Vibrating motors

  6. Dust blower

  7. Silicone tube

  8. Flexible 3D-printed shell

Pressure sensor, dust blower, silicone tube

Pressure sensor, dust blower, silicone tube

Ostrich feathers

Ostrich feathers

Vibrating motors

Vibrating motors

Custom 3D-printed magnetic actuator

Custom 3D-printed magnetic actuator

Women’s sexuality has historically been repressed for centuries, making us feel ashamed of our bodies and depriving us of our pleasure systems. The Tittylator sets out motivate women to feel their different senses without shame, and ultimately inspire shameless embracement of their sensuality and sexuality.


The Tittylator 1.0 is complete, but my journey to empower women and their sexualities will continue! My next steps are to continue to develop a variety of sensual interactions to respond to different women’s needs and desires, and allow for customizable interactions within whatever kind of pleasure objects I create.

The Tittylator is a starting point for my ITP thesis project called What’s Your Pleasure, which is a personalized set of tools and instructions that encourages women to explore and curate their own pleasure system through the building their own technological sensual object . Stay tuned!

See my entire journey of creating the Tittylator here.