Tina's ITP Blog

ITP Blog

Component Proposal: Haptics

The three components I’ve narrowed down to focus on this semester include:

I picked these components based on the thesis project I am currently trying to build, that would potentially incorporate all three of these components. My thesis is a toolkit with multiple inputs and outputs for users to choose from to build their own pleasure object, to help stimulate different erogenous zones on their bodies. I am trying to achieve different kinds of vibrations, in strengths and rhythms, as well as temperature changes.

I have used vibration motors before, though it was not a Z-Axis coin vibration motor, so I am excited to dive into this specific type that creates haptic feedbacks. I also have no experience with temperature changing, so I’m leaning towards doing more research in this realm. These systems all seem quite expensive compared to other components though, so a challenge for me would be to find an inexpensive way to incorporate this feature into my project.


Jingxi Guo and I decided to work on a proposal together to cover the haptic driver and different haptic / vibrating motors and actuators. The different criteria we want to explore within our proposal include:

  • Types of drivers

  • Types of motors and actuators

  • Types of haptics that are used to synthesized textured fields

  • Mounting

  • Applications

We have currently developed our BOM, and have ordered a number of components to experiment with. Things I have ordered so far include:

DRV2605 Haptic Controller Breakout

DRV2605 Haptic Controller Breakout

Vibration ERM Motor 2550 RPM 5V ZJQ24-35F580C (brushed)

Vibration ERM Motor 2550 RPM 5V ZJQ24-35F580C (brushed)

Vibration ERM Motor Dual Magnet 10000 RPM 3V (brushed)

Vibration ERM Motor Dual Magnet 10000 RPM 3V (brushed)

Z-Axis LRA Coin Vibration Motor 2.5V G1040003D

Z-Axis LRA Coin Vibration Motor 2.5V G1040003D

Vibration ERM Coin Motor 11500 RPM 3V (brushless).png

Vibration ERM Coin Motor 11500 RPM 3V (brushless)

We are also looking for other haptic drivers to compare to the one listed here.

In terms of the different motors I chose, I want to compare the different outputs based on vibration orientations, ERM, LRM, different RPMs, brushed and not brushed properties.

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As I wait for the parts to get shipped, I tried taking apart a cheap sex toy vibrator I got from a market solely to study the vibrating motor. Unfortunately, I ended up breaking the motor with a hammer while trying to break the shell apart. I was surprised to see the type of motor used; it’s much bigger than I thought it would be. I was also expecting LRA motors inside of sex toys for the sake of size and shape, but this DC motor actually makes of sense when housed inside of this bullet shape. The shell fits the base of the motor snugly, so there’s no need for any other mounting methods.

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